Udaipur Toloba members participated in Tazyeen Khidmat in different mohalla of Udaipur
Category: Umoor Deeniyah
Winter Vacation Khidmat at Taherabad
Masjid Tanzeem Khidmat during Ashara Mubarak 1443H.
Tapping Khidmat During Ashara Mubarak 1443H.
Float for Milad Mauqib 1440H.
A float with the theme of Zauq-E-Saleem was prepared by Udaipur Toloba and presented in the Milad Mauqib at Udaipur which was a masterpiece in itself.
Ashara Mubarak 1440 H. Indore
Udaipur Toloba performed khidmat in Busaheba Department
ITS Scanning, Ladies Rahat Block, Ladies Flow Management and Responsible for all Technical Issues regarding ladies section Audio, Video, Nazafat, Seating Arrangement at MSB Indore.
Also performed Tapping Khidmat in Main Masjid.
Packing of 1 Lakh 50 Thousand Khakeshifa.
Float for Milad Mauqib 1437H.
A float with the theme of Faiz-ul-Mawaid-al-Burhaniyah was prepared by Udaipur Toloba and presented in the Milad Mauqib at Burhanpur which was a masterpiece in itself.
Ashara Ohbat
Milad Mubarak Safar 1436H.
Again, the mumineen of Udaipur got the sharaf of doing khidmat of AQA Maula tus and celebrate the event of Milad Mubarak of Syedna Mohammed Burahnuddin R.A. with Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS.
And in this Safar Udaipur Toloba also gave their best for the success of the event.
The team was involved with almost everything from accommodation of Qasreali, Kothar, their transportation, Qadambosi bethak arrangements to Masjid tazeen, ITS scanning, Relay , Nazafat Stage Decoration and many more..
This event, Udaipur Toloba performed an exceptional khidmat of preparing HR Cards in an international event of every khidmat guzaar performing khidmat.
Toloba got the sharaf of becoming a part of the grand milad procession and participated as bikers in it.