As it is rightly said, “Helping one family will not change the world, but for that family the world will change.”
This initiative was taken up by our beloved Aqa Maula His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin (TUS) for changing the lives of the mumineen.
As guided by His Holiness, Udaipur Toloba took this initiative visiting door to door to enquire and identify about the needs and requirements of the mumineen and provided geysers, blankets, sweaters, crockery, stove, etc. based on the needs on priority basis.
We express our whole hearted gratitude to Aqa Maula (TUS) for giving us opportunity of such azeem khidmat & May Allah grant us the ability to take ahead more such initiatives to seek the blessings and dua mubarak of Aqa Maula (TUS).